There is a lot of mud in the BN camps in Sarawak lately. Don't tell me our leaders are taking things lightly. Much have been said and reported in the blogs about the following which are all very disturbing, embarrassing and sad at the same time.
#1. The reports hovering on our Chief Minister of Sarawak who is PBB's President.
#2. Reports about SUPP members stepping down and leaving the Party.
Lets hope things would be made more transparent to us who endorse the BN concept of working together under 1Malaysia, failing which BN Sarawak may face some hard times in the GE.
Friday, July 30, 2010
"Transparency In Politics"
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Labels: Politic.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Computers can read minds now
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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Labels: Technology
Sunday, April 4, 2010
"I'm Iban"
When people asked me, what is my race? I usually said, “I’m Iban”. I never say that I am Dayak/Dayak Iban. If you said you are Dayak, it is too general because, Dayak is the loose term for these indigenous people whom nearly half of Sarawak population. These groups of Dayaks made up of some 26 different ethnic groups each with its own distinct language, culture, and lifestyle. Over 31% of the population are Ibans. Sarawak estimated populations are 2,357,500 (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2006).
I strongly feel that, an Iban association or Iban community services centre be formed paying attention to local basic infrastructure development and concerned with political, educational, and social aspects of the Iban community especially pertaining to member’s problems. Acknowledged outstanding and discerning students from the Iban community who excelled in their prospective examination and providing motivational and incentives programme to further their studies.
We want an association that make you feel secured something to do with the “feel good” something that makes you “feels proud of” and most importantly, a kind of making you a "sense of belonging". Through this association as platform, we can organize Human Resource Training and Development, workshops, discussions, dialogues, or seminars to improve management skills and concepts and our competitiveness.
This association would work closely with government departments as well as local council and regularly to conducts dialogue sessions with them regarding various issues concerning local infrastructure development, community, and members problems.
I strongly feel that, an Iban association or Iban community services centre be formed paying attention to local basic infrastructure development and concerned with political, educational, and social aspects of the Iban community especially pertaining to member’s problems. Acknowledged outstanding and discerning students from the Iban community who excelled in their prospective examination and providing motivational and incentives programme to further their studies.
We want an association that make you feel secured something to do with the “feel good” something that makes you “feels proud of” and most importantly, a kind of making you a "sense of belonging". Through this association as platform, we can organize Human Resource Training and Development, workshops, discussions, dialogues, or seminars to improve management skills and concepts and our competitiveness.
This association would work closely with government departments as well as local council and regularly to conducts dialogue sessions with them regarding various issues concerning local infrastructure development, community, and members problems.
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Sunday, April 04, 2010
Labels: Social
Monday, March 22, 2010
'Iban Cultural Foundation'
Basically, based on my observation there is no Iban cultural foundation especially here in Sarawak. What we have now is only Dayak's cultural foundation which is to serve all Dayaks consisting Iban, (Sea-Dayak) Bidayuh, (Land Dayak) and Orang Ulus (Kayan, Kenyah, Berawan, Kelabit, Lunbawang, Bisaya and many others). It is essentially important that, a solid governing body or foundation to be formed as a hallmark to serve and to help in consolidating strategic efforts in strengthening Ibans in various fields of socio-cultural, socio-economic, education, as well as in promoting and protecting its invaluable unique culture of custom and beliefs, art, festival, ceremonies, way of life as a legacy and heritage for younger generations ie our Iban language, music and instruments, 'Ngajat', (Iban traditional dance) 'adat Melah Pinang', (Iban wedding ceremony) 'Bepencha' and 'Bekuntau', (Iban martial arts) 'Gawai Mangkong Tiang', (Iban house warming ceremony) 'Gawai Kenyalang', 'Gawai Burong', 'Bepangka', (top game competition) 'Bibat', (arm wrestling) 'bepantun', 'besanggai', 'beganu,' 'berenong', 'bebiau', 'beramban' etc...(Iban songs, poem and rituals).
We need a proper venue and a solid platform; we need an Iban cultural and heritage foundation to be formed and become the household name for the Ibans. That is to say, a place where we and especially the youths can serve, brainstorming, study and discuss - to analyze the strengths and weaknesses, opportunity and threat concerning or relating to socio-economic, socio-cultural, and in the field of education effecting our Iban children in this globalize world full of competitions so as to be more competitive without discriminating others and to protect the welfare and to preserve the rights of the Iban community.
Through a Dayak Cultural Foundation as 'vehicle' to promote the Ibans very rich culture is not strategically effective because it would not be focusing totally on the welfare and the culture of the Iban community. It would be cumbersome and biased for us to promote our Iban cultural heritage exclusively to the world by projecting ourselves as Dayak when we are actually Ibans.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
Labels: Cultural
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What Is Global Warming? | Global Warming Basics | Allianz Knowledge
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Sunday, March 07, 2010
Labels: Environmental
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sarawak, a beautiful ‘country’, wrecked by stupid, greedy, and selfish leaders who only know how to satisfy their own appetite of self interests, positions and money. They are mostly liars, corrupted leaders, cheaters and good at 'daylight robbery'. That is what they are good at/for/as. They forgot in the first place how/why they became who they are now as elected representatives? What are your commitments and responsibilities towards our people who votes for you? People’s hopes! How about that? They have high hopes on you. Are you not putting them down to dishonour your promises and failed to execute your sense of duty to serve the people?
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Labels: Social
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